Have you ever thought about owning an electric scooter? We guess that you’ve looked at the market and then thought which is right for me? what are the diifferences between kugoo kirin, Dastrad or ienyrid?
The questions you need to ask
1) what do i want the scooter for? Is it for general commuting, off road, fun etc
If it is for general commuting we would recommend a lightweight, easy to fold scooter, the AOVO pro, T4 pro’s deliver on this, however, if you want a scooter with a seat the Dastrad M8 Pro is the stand out electric scooter for both comfort and price
2) How fast and what length of journey time do I want to do
The speed and length of journey is normally measured hub the motors, you can have a single motor or dual motor, the dual motor means that there is power in both. The length of the journey, in simplified terms, the higher the “AH” the longer the journey time. The Dastrad Viper and Demon are 5600w of combined power, powered by a 60v 38ah battery with speeds up to 90kmh and journey time in excess of 100km, his means less charging and more journey time. However, if you are working to a lower budget, our best selling model, the Dastrad M8 Pro, gives an impressive 50kmh and up to 50kmh and is outperforms all of its competitors including ienyrid and Kugoo Kirin M4 pro for both speed, journey time and price